Wednesday, May 25, 2011

An Inspirational Story of One Girl's Search for Inspiration

I want to be one of those people who blogs- not the mean, ranty kind, and not the know-it-all serious kind either. You know, the kind that says funny things, or tells you inspiring anecdotes from their fascinating lives. Unfortunately, I don't have the kind of life to support this ambition. While I am a very happy person, my life consists mainly of going to work, coming home, and hanging out with friends while we watch reality tv. Not really groundbreaking stuff.

So for a long time I've pushed off my blogging aspirations, with the assumption that I would start once my life became sufficiently entertaining. But then today I decided, screw that! I'll blog about my boring life and then, once my cool life starts, I'll ditch this blog and start a new one. Or I'll make this one cool.

Regardless- fair warning: this may be dull. But what it lacks in awesome content, it will make up for in spirit, enthusiasm, and randomness. Here is a picture of a shoe.